Buy Chihuahua! Chihuahua Pupies available for Sale!
If you’re planning to buy a puppy of Chihuahua, you have to take into consideration that they are available for sale after 2-2,5 month from birth. Purchasing a puppy in our kennel you will be provided with all the necessary documents. Moreover, before being sold all our puppies are vaccinated, chipped and provided by RKF documents as well. We offer a full package of papers because every representative of the breed is of a high value for us and our reputation, that is our first priority.
The cost of Chihuahua puppy is influenced by the quality of a certain pet, its pedigree and further perspectives. For instance, puppies that are born from a couple of championsmay have higher price. Purchasing a Chihuahua from our kennel, you’ll be provided with consultation and advice of our experts for lifelong. Moreover, we recommend reading information in public sources in order to get acquainted with the specific features of the breed and to get informed of all possible risks connected with diseases to that the chihuahua may be predisposed. The average life period of Chihuahua is 15 years so you have to be prepared for longlasting responsibility and care.
A kennel which specializes on selling Chihuahua puppies “Pet delivery” welcomes you the site.
Like generation of ancient Maya, we’ve been worshipping this breed for years. Thus, we are ready to argue that representatives of this breed can be considered as the most intelligent and devoted cute dogs with lions’ heart. They are sociable and demonstrate their positive attitude especially towards children. Moreover, Chihuahuas are fully devoted to their owners and show to them all their love. They have good temperament and ready to make friends with everyone who surround them. They are perfect for living in flats and apartmens because they can do their business in a small boxor a tray. Chihuahuas adore to spend time outside and ready to accompany their owner everywhere. These chihuahua are very kind-hearted and smart so that can be easily trained. Talking about their appearance they can be described as little aliens. The representatives of Chihuahua breed have a head of an apple shape and big wide-set eyes. Owners of these little dogs often dress ttem in nice cute clothes. For sleeping, it’s recommended using a special dog-house or a cosy pillow. Most of them prefer sleeping in their owner’s bed. The breed representatives are considered as long-living gogs, some of them may live for more than 20 years. Among Chihuahuas there can be defined dogs with long or short hair as the breed has a very wide spectre of colourings.
Turning to the Book of Guinness Records, Chihuahuas are the smallest dogs among all the others. Many people haveseveral Chihuahua family members because they can’t stop after buying their first pet.
Our company provides shipment and delivery services in all the destinations. Our kennel is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia. You can pay us a visit according to previous appointment and choose your pet right here. If you don’t have a chance to come personally, you can order a safe delivery of your pet. Pets purchased in our company are delighting owners from all over the world. It should be mentioned that we have a huge experience so that we guarantee safe and comfortable transportation of your new family member. Delivery can be implemented by car, by train or by plane which dependson place of your residence. During the trip a pet will be provided with all the necessary care. In some situations transportation is arranged with a special carreer. The price of delivery is calculated individually for every customer and depends on its way and final destination. For example, residents of European countries or Latin America can have their dog delivered for around 3500-500 Euros. If you are travelling by yourself, we are ready to provide you with all the nacessary documents required for a trip. All the details are being discussedin advance. For more informayion we kindly ask you to contact our managers.